The Red Cross is a global humanitarian movement that works by providing social assistance, medical assistance and recreational activities to all communities that are vulnerable to different events or situations. The volunteers of the Red Cross take part in dedicating their effort and time in a totally selfless way, in favor of the social welfare.
World Red Cross Day is celebrated every 8th of May. This date was chosen in commemoration of the birth of Henry Dunant, considered the father of the movement. Dunant, after travelling to Italy and seeing the confrontation of the Austrian, French and Piedmontese armies, proposed that relief societies be formed, with trained medical personnel and volunteers of all kinds, ready to provide humanitarian aid.
This idea was collected by the Geneva Society of Public Utility and in 1863 the International Committee of the Red Cross was founded. A year later, the first Geneva Convention was signed, where the foundations of the movement were proclaimed, including the adoption of the Red Cross emblem, the international promotion of relief societies and the protection of wounded people in situations of Vulnerability.

How to access to American Red Cross Learning Center
- To enter the Red Cross Training Center go to the URL address classes redcross Saba Main.
- To enter the Red Cross Training Center go to the URL address classes redcross Saba Main.
- Then enter the type of credential that already has user or administrator or teacher.
- Follow the steps below. American Red Cross Learning Center password
Training courses meet the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards for first aid programs. The courses combine presentations, interactive video demonstrations illustrating emergency situations that could occur in different locations, and direct training that allows participants to practice life-saving skills.
First aid program, CPR and AED
- First Aid: Participants learn to recognize and attend a variety of first aid emergencies such as burns, cuts and chafing; Sudden illnesses; Head, neck, or back injuries; and emergencies related to heat or cold.
- Adult CPR: Participants learn to give CPR and respond to respiratory and cardiac emergencies in adults.
- CPR for babies: Participants learn to give CPR and care for respiratory and cardiac emergencies in infants and children under 12 years of age.
- Using the AED: Participants learn how to use automated external defibrillators.
How to volunteer at the International Red Cross
The Red Cross always needs volunteers to support the work of receiving, classifying and assembling packages and pantries to send to the pasise or populated centers that need it.
For this it is best to go personally to the headquarters of the International Red Cross of your country, can find it on this website, where you can also know its history, what is actually volunteering and how you can contribute from your possibilities. Remember, volunteering is vocational, unpaid, but the satisfaction of helping others is really comforting for all of us.
Interested persons are asked to register at the same facility and have no physical impediment to collaborating, as heavy packages are required to be loaded and transfers.
Preferably it is requested that people be over 12 years and if not, go with their parents. Most importantly, they explained volunteers at the national headquarters of the Red Cross, is having attitude of service and committing to donate at least four hours a day. According to the National coordination of Red Cross volunteering.
American Red Cross Mobile Apps
The American Red Cross Hero Care provides access to vital services from the Red Cross to members of the armed forces, veterans and their families. The application was designed to assist military and veteran communities in preparing, coping and responding to the challenges they face during and after their service in the armed forces. It has never been easier to get information and services from the Red Cross.
Important information stored safely, necessary for emergency care, simple location of resources in your community and access to content for pre-deployment preparation. You can even share your story or your autophoto with our custom autophotos and stories frames and see other users ‘ stories!
Red Cross Emergencies
Instant access to weather alerts, safety tips and preparation information and to monitor the place where your family and friends reside. These include alerts and warnings of hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, storms, heat waves, tsunamis, fires, and winter storms among other emergencies.
The application also has a button that indicates “I’m sure ” which allows the user to send a message to report that it is out of danger.
Red Cross First Aid
The American Red Cross official First aid mobile application puts in your hands expert advice to deal with everyday emergencies.
Available for Apple and Android, the first Aid application provides instant access to the information you need to know to handle the most common first aid emergencies with the help of videos, interactive questionnaires and simple tips Step by step. Making first aid has never been so easy.
Red Cross Hurricane
Check the conditions in your area or throughout the storm’s path, prepare your family and home, seek help and let others know that you are safe, even if there is no electricity.
A need for every person who lives in an area where they can hit a hurricane or if you have loved ones living in a similar area.
Red Cross Tornado
Have your family and home ready for a tornado with the official application of the American Red Cross tornado. The Tornado app puts everything you need to know to prepare you for a tornado and everything it brings in the palm of your hand.
Red Cross earthquake
Prepare for an earthquake with the application of the American Red Cross earthquake. Find out when an earthquake occurs, prepare your family and home, seek help and make others know that you are safe, even if there is no electricity. A need for every person living in an earthquake-prone area or if you have loved ones living in a similar area.
Red Cross Flood
Prepare your family and home for a flood. The American Red Cross flooding application is the solution with the complete information you need to understand and be prepared for floods and everything they bring.