Nycdoe Stars Login , The Department of education of the city of New York stars login nyc doe is the Organization of public school largest in United States, nycdoe stars portal with one million one hundred thousand pupils in more than thousand seven hundred schools. To find information about your child’s school, use the school search box to locate the school and the same portal by Internet (available in English only).
Select with a click the titles listed below to find information for families on issues such as registration of students, support to children and programs for students learning English or with different capacities.
The schools provide free interpretation and translation services in their language. Need assistance, ask the director of the school, the parent Coordinator or coordinator of language access. Inform us about linguistic assistance received in their school by completing this online form for comments (in English only) or by calling 718-935-2013.
Stars Classroom is a Web-based system that automates the collection of course marks from teachers.
Teachers can view class rosters, access student data, and enter course marks which will appear automatically on student report cards. We will continue to enhance and improve the system based on your feedback.

How to login nyc doe stars classroom
- Goto page nycdoe stars classroom
- Insert your user and password.
To take your child to a good school in New York, you should plan it well in advance, at least one year. The sooner you’re ready, easier will be the application process and their opportunities for entering the school you have chosen will be greater. Some parents in New York put their children on a list waiting in a good nursery, for example, before even of that child is born.
The Department of education of the city of New York recognizes that parents are the your child’s first teacher. With a strong partnership between home and school, all children they can reach their full potential. Parents, legal guardians and those people in one paternal relationship with a student have certain rights and responsibilities.
THE RIGHT TO A FREE PUBLIC EDUCATION FOR THEIR CHILDREN Free public education is a basic right guaranteed to all children. Parents have a right to:
your child, regardless of his place of birth, to receive a free public education from the garden infants up to 21 years of age or until they receive a high school diploma, what comes first, and in accordance with the law.
to evaluate a child with a disability and, if it is determined the need for an education Special, that the child receive a free appropriate from 3 to 21 years of age, education in accordance with laws and regulations.
that a child considered as a student learning English (ELL) receives educational Serbs as established by law and provisions.
that your child gets fully their academic program according to the school calendar adopted annually by the Department of education and in accordance with the provisions of the Chancellor.
that your child receives educational services in a safe and supportive, free learning environment of discrimination, harassment and intolerance.
that your child receives all of the rights set forth in the Declaration of rights and Responsibilities of students (Bill of Student Rights and Responsibilities) of Department of Education.
Enrollment in the schools public in the city of New York for immigrant families
Who can attend public schools of the city of New York?
- Any child aged 5 to 21 who live in the city of New York is entitled to attend to the public school of the city of New York until you graduate from high school.
- All students requesting his enrollment in public schools must be admitted of immediate and placed in a school program appropriate within five school days.
- Students may not be rejected due to a lack space.
- Students who have had little formal education in the past may not be rejected.
All students have the right to attend school regardless of their immigration status or the immigration status of the members of their families. or the school staff is not allowed to ask them about their immigration status. or even when a student or their parents are undocumented or do not have a social security number, the student can receive all the services of the school, including free lunch and breakfast and transportation.