IEPWriter pa log in is a website exclusively dedicated to the maintenance of educational programs individualized from a browser with SSL technology (Leader 2001) for data encryption. iep writer log in pa Other features of this system they are:
- Performs the processes of maintenance data of students and teachers, thus as the assignment of pupils to one or more teachers.
- Allows the management of objectives and targets accessible to all the teachers from the institution. It also has a mechanism of
loading and unloading of objectives and goals between the educational institutions. - Incorporates a series of reports as support plans by default to the positive behavior, treatment and clinical monitoring plans
and therapeutic.
With iep writer for pa, it’s easy for education agencies to manage documentation for their special education students. This web-based solution allows professional staff to collaborate on Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) from anywhere they have a web connection, quickly and securely.
The full range of state-mandated forms are available for input, printing, and later retrieval, all using common web browsers, so there’s no complicated software to install and maintain.
Iep writer log in pa Capture

This site uses popups to provide you with important information. You must either disable your popup-blocking software or add this site to the software’s allowed site list before you can login.
Login iep writer for pa
- Go to
- Enter your user name and password and click Submit.
- If you forget your username or password, click Forgot your Username or Password? on the login page, type your email address into the text field, and click Send me my username and password!
Note: User names and passwords assigned by our district’s System Administrator (Anita Ritchey). Please contact her if users need to be added or removed from IEP Writer.
Finding Help
Click the Help link, located at the top right corner of the screen to find help with the current screen. The Help screen will display the Help Desk phone number (1-877-456-8777) along with links the following:
- Help Home-includes links to directions on a variety of IEP Writer topics
- Frequently Asked Questions-answers to frequently asked questions
- Annotated Documents-documents from the PDE and link to PA Code Chapter 14.
- Academic Standards-links to PDE content area standards
- Downloads-links to pdf reader and web browsers
- Feedback/Enhancement Requests-use to submit suggestions to IEP Writer
- Contact Technical Support-use to report problems using IEP Writer
Call the Help Desk (1-877-456-8777) or use the Contact Technical Support link if you experience problems with the web page or with the operation of the program. Contact our district’s System Administrator (Anita Ritchey) if you need assistance with student data or the text selections in the Goals and Objectives Library or your Personal Text Bank..
Main Menu
Studens: Select a student, prepare IEPs, Evaluation Reports, Letters, Forms, and more.
My libraries:Add to or edit your custom Goals and Objectives Library and your Personal Text Bank. Items you add to your Goals and Objectives Library and your Personal Text Bank are available when you compose IEPs and other documents.
Reports: Generate reports, including IEPs Due by Date Range, Evaluation Reports Due by Date Range, Team Rosters, and more.
My account : Edit your username, password, or e-mail address.
Help: Get help on using for PA. Review annotated versions of the IEP, ER, and NOREP, view academic standards for reference, read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), or contact Technical Support.
Viewing Student Lists and IEPs
- Click Students to display a drop down menu and then click Select Student From List.
Note: All changes to student lists and student demographics in IEP Writer will be made by our district’s System Administrator (Anita Ritchey). Please contact her if you have a student who needs to be added or removed from your student list.
- Click the name of a student from the student list to view IEPs, evaluation reports and to access letters and forms.
Note: An I next under Student Type identifies that the student is inactive.
Writing an IEP
- For Students Who Already Have an IEP: Click Start New IEP Based on Currently Implemented IEP.
Note: If previous IEPs are available, they can also be viewed.
For Students Who Do Not Have an IEP: Click Create New IEP
2. Enter IEP Team Meeting Date and the IEP Implementation Date and the Anticipated Duration of Services and Programs Date.
3. Click Manage Participants to enter or edit IEP Team members.
4. Click Add Participant or Delete to modify the IEP Participants list as needed.
5. Click Return to IEP Home.
6. Click Save and Go to Special Considerations.
7. Click boxes as needed and click Save and Go to Present Levels of Performance.
8. Enter information as needed and click Save and Go to Goals/Objectives.
9. Review and modify goals and objectives as needed. For a new IEP, click Add Goal. Be sure to click Save Goal.
10. When all updates have been made, click Go to Special Education/Related Services.
11. Click boxes to modify as needed (click Add button for a new IEP).
Be sure to save all changes.
12. Click Save and Go To Participation in Assessments.
13. Check the appropriate option and click Save and Go to Least Restrictive Environment.
Note: Click Search Text Bank to view commonly used entries. Texts lists can be modified by the individual user or by the system administrator.
14. Modify or enter information as needed and click Save and Go to Transition Planning.
15. Check the appropriate option and click Save and Go to IEP Attachment.
16. Enter any additional notes or information, as needed, and click Save and Go to IEP Home.
17. Click click here to Generate the IEP.
18. Click Generate Draft IEP.
19. After the new IEP is generated, the name of the new IEP will appear on the screen. Click the name of the new IEP to view and print the IEP.
20. Submit a copy of the IEP to the special education office for review.
21. After the IEP has been reviewed and a copy has been returned to you from the special education office, return to the student home page and select click here to Implement the IEP.
Note: An IEP must be implemented before data can be made available to Child Count.
Using My Libraries
Items you add to your Goals and Objectives Library and your Personal Text Bank are available when you compose IEPs and other documents.
Tips and Reminders:
- New students entered by Anita. Students who leave are made inactive.
- Anita can add or change options for drop down menus.
- Must let Anita know whether to list under goal bank or text bank.
- Must regenerate IEP after making changes.
- Teachers can enter goals and objectives. (* will insert student name)
IEP Writer “Popups Disabled” In Google Chrome
You can allow all pop-ups by disabling the pop-up blocker. Follow these steps:
- Click the Chrome menu on thebrowser toolbar.
- Select Settings.
- Click Show advanced settings.
- in the “Privacy” section, click the Content settingsbutton.
- In the “Pop-ups” section, select Manage Exceptions
- Type in and then click Done
- Then reload and the issue should be resolved