Sometimes the Halloween costume, either homemade or bought and the complements of the terrifying costume of the celebration of the deceased have it completely clear but… and halloween makeup? This is one of the points that often us doubt and, as a general rule, doubts refer to types of painting we should use, photos of makeup halloween home to have an orientation… Today, in this article we will explain step by step wedding corpse makeup for Halloween.
This is a makeup for children, as for adults can use fictitious bloods, makeup warts and others to give him more credibility but, small but frightened or could swallow some details and reasons; so we leave an easy idea of halloween makeup. What do we need for dead bride halloween makeup?
1. white wax makeup (pencils that sold at costume stores)
2 black eye shadow and blue eye shadow
4. black eye pencil
5 talcum powder
6 he painted red lips
To liven up and complement the costume also modify the hairstyle, a halloween corpse bride makeup can not ignore the hair completely tousled, broken and… as a zombie makeup if it were: stained hair, completely unstructured, dirty and sticky. How can all this? Carding hair and lacquer and talcum powder.
How to make a halloween corpse bride makeup step by step?
1. the first is to moisturize them very well face. Those stores wax paintings there are many children who, after a while, chop them. Therefore it is well wash the face with SOAP and water. Dry well face small and… putting facial moisturizer. (This trick will also help us when it comes to makeup)
2. on 20 minutes with cream and is soaked well… we get in your hands with powder and cherish the face and neck, that we are going to apply makeup.
3. with a white pencil we are painting the entire face and neck, care in the eyelids eyes we do them harm. When we have everything painted white (as if it were a corpse) proceed to the purples and shadows on the face.
4. with the black eye pencil make the eyebrows, on the original and well marked. We also painted the nose holes, as if the bones were already disintegrating and of course we do dark circles.
5. for dark circles what mark is with the pencil eye stripe, above the eye we marked and under eye blur it. Note!! This can clarify it further using a shade of lipstick or red spotting us the finger and blurring on what we have already painted black.
6. we have blue eyes that we will be doing with the blue shadow of eyes and marking zones of the tear and others with a touch of black that we will gradually blurring. When we got the tone we want to and we have two equal eyes with white eye shadow or talcum powder a little mark brow and hairline (which seems dirty and over-cooked)
7. finally left lips… you can use a deep red and with it make any drop of blood.
8 we cardamos the hair with a comb of fine teeth together and reinforced with lacquer. When it is still wet lacquer will throwing talcum powder that will stick to the hair.
Halloween Makeup tips:
If we are going to make up children with toys and costumes shops wax pencils there several tricks so they don’t complain and let them damage. One of them is to heat 3-5 sec. the painting in the microwave, so will not be so sticky and will stretch the skin.
To avoid hair dyes in costumes can use food and other natural dyes and so then to wash their hair removed everything in a single pass. To get a white hair, for example, we use talcum powder… a hair lilac (although we do not like the smell) can prepare a mixture of talcum powder and beet powder; to smear us blood does not need to buy blood from lying… put strawberries with sugar and are pulling the juice… and already have spots!
To untangle the hair after having carded the ideal it is putting them in the hair that fabric softener not rinsing while we desmaquillamos them. Then a shower, plenty of water, shampoo and mask. When the mask takes a couple of minutes, with great barbed comb will brushing… so it does not hurt them and knots virtually eliminated them before drying the hair. [banner_abajo]