Compare last year weather to this year

To find out if it is raining or sunny, compare temperatures year to year nyc typically is looking out of the window, the truth. Less common is looking at a window… on the computer. However, more comfortable having in view the weather is the form.

The majority of these weather utilities are presented as widgets, small boxes resting on the desktop wallpaper. Also know you whether it will rain tomorrow? Try any one of the eight free utilities that you present below.

Yahoo! Weather
Yahoo! Weather is the meteorological component of Yahoo! Widgets, the platform of accessories for Yahoo! desktop, a portal whose section of weather forecasts is one of the most visited.

In addition to showing the temperature and weather in your city in real-time, Yahoo! Weather load forecasts for five days and allows you to move from a city to another easily.

AccuWeather Stratus
All large pages of Meteorology have their extensions to the desktop, and the famous AccuWeather is no exception: its AccuWeather Stratus is a widget that works via Adobe Air on Windows, Mac and Linux.

In its discrete window displays current, minimum, and maximum temperature an icon over time which makes in the city and a five-day forecast. It also alerts for extreme (such as a storm or dense fog) changes.


Google Earth is an excellent choice, since through the application, we can see the world, learn routes, traffic, etc.
If you enable the layer clouds, you can see the clouds and the zoom, you will see rain or even snow, at present only information is available in the United States and Europe, but you can be aware if the place where you live was added, in the layer radar.


Weather Channel Desktop
Weather Channel is one of the main media for everything to do with the climate, so it is not surprising that it has its own utility for Windows. Weather Channel Desktop presents an impressive amount of information: forecasts, satellite maps, etc.

Weather Channel Desktop disappointed the window size and the inclusion of advertising in the interface. Moreover, few applications can claim to be so informative.

Similar to the Yahoo! Widgets, Beon project has its own weather widget, Meteobox. It displays the weather of any city in real time and supports more than one location, something very useful if you often travel among several locations.

Else you already sound: the typical icon to show the State of the weather and forecast for the days ahead. The configuration is simple and the widget is translated to the Spanish.

Meteo Fusion
The Meteo Fusion open source project leverages data from Weather Channel to display weather information directly on the desktop. In the small box it should be everything from wind speed up to the forecast for the next ten days.

Supports skins and is available in several languages (don’t forget to download the Spanish translation). And if you want to change your appearance, you have no more download Meteo Fusion Skin Studio and create a skin from scratch.

The approach of YoWindow is much more original: instead of using icons, plays a country scene as that would see from a window of a rural House. The landscape changes depending on the time of day and the time making; If it rains, will see drops falling; If the sun sets, the sky is colorized maintained purple tones.

There are many small details that make of YoWindows a single application. For example, the seasonal surprises and the possibility of converting your photographs in funding for the program, although one of the best valued is the notification icon, which shows the temperature in the taskbar, right next to the time.

HTC Home for Windows
Mobile phones are the ideal device to check the status of the time, and some of the best widgets directly inspired in which already exist for Android and iPhone. It is the case of HTC Home for Windows, a widget that faithfully copy the appearance of accessory for Android.

Simulation of climatic conditions is impressive, with Sun and clouds that are superimposed on the prognosis in real time and the time of day. If it weren’t for some stability problems and the shortage of options, it would result in the perfect weather widget.

Only now the developers begin to take advantage of the Topbar, classic taskbar replacement that Microsoft designed for Windows 7. Weatherbar is an example of how the new miniatures can replace a classic widget.

Weatherbar icon represents your city’s weather in real time; one click and you’ll see the forecast for the four days, with maximum and minimum temperatures and icons for weather conditions. [banner_abajo]

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