Veterans of the armed forces of the United States can be eligible for a wide range of programs and resources offered by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) of the United States these benefits are legislated in title 38 of the code of the United States (USC). This booklet contains an overview of these benefits of January 1, 2011. For additional information, visit the website of the VA (Veterans Affairs) in
Eopf dept of veterans affairs Eligibility for the majority of the benefits from the VA is in function the low of the active service with honors. Active duty means service of full-time, rather than service for training, as a member of the army, Navy, air force, Marines of Marine (Marines), coast guard or as a commissioned officer of the Public health, science services administration service environmental or atmospheric and oceanic, administration or its predecessor, the Coast and Geodetic Survey. eopf department of veterans affairs In general, veterans as well as the veterans with similar services are entitled to the benefits of the will eopf veterans affairs .
How Do I Access My eOPF?
What is eOPF? The electronic Official Personnel Folder (eOPF) is a system developed as a management solution to handle official personnel files and to simplify your access to your Official Personnel Folder (OPF).

An OPF is created when an employee begins Federal service, and is maintained throughout an employee’s career in accordance with the United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM) regulations.
Logon Instructions
NOTE: To access your eOPF, you will need to use a work computer connected to the Internet in your organization.
Click on your respective link below to go to eOPF Home page. The eOPF User Agreement page appears. Links updated: 31 Jul 2017
If the challenge question is correctly answered, then you are prompted to change your eOPF Password.
- Failure results in an access denied message: Your answer to the identity challenge question does not match the information in the eOPF system.
- Please contact the helpdesk at [email protected] for assistance. Please use eOPF challenge questions in the subject and include your Agency, full name, your email address, and phone number in the body of the request.
If you need further assistance regarding the eOPF system or your password, please send an email to [email protected] or contact the eOPF help desk by phone at (866) 275-8518.
Casualties for bad conduct and dishonorable conditions issued by courts martial General can prevent benefits of the will. Veterans in prison and probation must
contact the regional office of the VA to determine its eligibility. The benefits of the VA will not be awarded to any veteran or dependent with an existing arrest felony warrant.
What if I forget my password for eOPF? If you forget or lose your password, you can click the ‘Forgot Your Password?’ link on the eOPF login screen. If you have logged into eOPF previously and have answered security questions, you are asked to verify your identity and, once successfully verified, you will be able to create a new password. If you have never previously logged into eOPF, contact your agency’s human resource office.
Important documents to obtain the benefits from the VA reset manual your eopf for department of veterans affair
To obtain the benefits to veterans for the first time they are looking to get the benefits of the VA should send a copy of the unsubscribe from the service form (DD No. 214, DD No. 215, or) Veterans of the second world war, a WD form) in where has the dates of service and the type of low, or provide your name and full surname, your military service number, and the division and the dates of service. Form to unsubscribe from the service of the veteran must be in a safe and accessible to the veteran, his family or the designated representative.
There are different types of benefits offered by the Department of Veterans Affairs (“VA”). These benefits sometimes depend on the condition of the person in question (is active, is a veteran, is a spouse or is a dependent). This is far from an exhaustive list, but covers the most common types of benefits provided to veterans and their family members.
Education and training
Any person who has entered on active duty after June 30, 1985 and contributed to an educational fund is eligible for the Montgomery GI Bill. Others who may be eligible for the Montgomery GI Bill include some veterans of the Vietnam war, veterans separated under special programs and some reservists and National Guard members. The bill Post-911 GI is available for those who served on or after September 11, 2001, and covers tuition and fees up to the type of undergraduate program more expensive, public, in the State, provides a monthly allowance for housing and a stipend for books and supplies. There are some options that even allow the members of IT service to transfer benefits to the spouse of a child.
Those who served more than 90 consecutive days or more, after the September 11, 2001, after being activated under Federal authority for a contingency operation may also be entitled to the educational assistance program reserve (REAP/Chapter 1607).
Finally, assistance to dependent education is available to some members of the family of certain deceased veterans, or disabled.
Vocational rehabilitation and employment
The employment service and vocational rehabilitation provides outreach, motivation, evaluation, counseling, training, employment and other rehabilitation services to veterans with disabilities connected to the service. Veterans and people in service receive professional advice and education, as well as the assessment of skills, aptitudes, and interests. Sometimes these same services are available to a spouse or child of a veteran. However, all children with Spina Bifida, who have at least one parent in service in the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam war, or have served in some military units, in or near the demilitarized zone in Korea between September 01, 1967 and August 31, 1971 are entitled to rehabilitation services and vocational training.
Guarantee of loan to purchase a house
The VA will guarantee a loan for the purchase of a home, condominium or manufactured homes and for refinancing. Surprisingly, the majority of these loans are actually from private lenders, but generally, the VA guarantees these loans that allow the purchaser to avoid making a down payment.
Burial benefits
The VA will provide a monument to mark the grave of an eligible veteran. It can also provide a commemorative certificate presidential to eligible recipients. The VA will also provide an american flag to cover the casket of an eligible veteran. Generally, the VA can pay a grant of burial $2,000 for veterans who died from causes related to the service. For other veterans, VA can pay $300 for burial and funeral expenses and $300 for a plot. Finally, most veterans and some dependents can be buried in a VA national cemetery.
What are the requirements for filing a successful claim for the benefits?
All claims of benefits or services administered by the Department are subject to review and acceptance by the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs. A veteran has the burden of proving that it qualifies for the benefits or services that you are requesting. If the Secretary determines that the request for benefits is incomplete or requires more evidence for a decision, the Secretary must notify the applicant, and it will have a year to provide the evidence or information required. If not received in time, the evidence or information required, the claim for the benefits or services cannot be denied.
If medical information is required to approve your claim, you can have a report prepared by a private physician and submit it as evidence of your claim. The Secretary may accept the report of a private physician at your own discretion if it is deemed sufficiently complete. However, when the Secretary reviews a complaint, has the right to have another doctor review the evidence presented.
Department of Veterans Affairs
Address: 810 Vermont Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20420
Toll free: 1-800-827-1000 (in English)
English Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs – VA
The following documents will be needed for the processing claims related to the death of a veteran:
- certificate of marriage of the veteran claims
a spouse or surviving children.
- certificate of marriage of the veteran claims
- certificate of death of the veteran if said veteran no
He died in a health care unit of the will.
- certificate of death of the veteran if said veteran no
- certificates of birth or adoption of children papers
to determine your benefits.
- certificates of birth or adoption of children papers
- certificate of birth of the veteran to determine the
benefits of parents
ALS: Lateral sclerosis amyotrophic
CHAMPVA: Medical and civil Affairs Department of health program
CLC: Community life Center
C & P: Compensation and pension
COE: Certificate of eligibility
CRDP: Concurrent retirement and disability payments
CSRC: Combat-related special compensation
CWT: Paid work therapy
CZTE: Combat tax exclusion zone
Dec: Dependency and indemnity compensation
DoD: Department of Defense
FHA: Federal Housing Administration
FSGLI: Family coverage for service members group life insurance
HUD: Housing and urban development department
IRR: Book Individual alert
MGIB: Montgomery GI Bill for military project
MIA: Missing in action
NPRC: National personnel records center
NSLI: National service life insurance
OEF: Operation Enduring Freedom
OIF: Operation Iraqi Freedom
OPM: Office of personnel management
POW: Prisoner of war
PTSD: Post traumatic stress disorder
SAH: Specially adapted housing
SBA: Small business development agency
SSI: Supplemental Security income
S-DVI: Safe for veterans with disabilities incurred in service
SGLI: For service members group life insurance
SSB: Special severance benefits
TAP: Programme of assistance during transition periods
TSGLI: Insurance group life for members of the protection service
by traumatic injuries
USCIS: Citizenship and the United States immigration services
USDA: The United States Department of agriculture
It goes: Department of Veterans Affairs
VEAP: Educational assistance for Veterans program
VEOA: Employment opportunities for Veterans Act
VGLI: Veterans Group life insurance
VHA: The Veterans Health Administration
VMET: Verification of military training and experience
VMLI: Veterans mortgage life insurance
VR & E: Vocational rehabilitation and employment
VSI: Incentive voluntary severance
WAAC: Female army auxiliary Corps
WASP: Women of the air force service pilots